Tuesday 21 June 2016

21st June 2016

So... you were deciding weather or not should you go to Malacca with your 5 guys friend. Honestly I really don't want you to go, since all of them are guys. In the end... I guess you can't read me. I really wished to just skype and make myself feel better. I honestly feel very sads right now. My friends are going back to China and have fun.... Whereas me, I just stuck here alone. My plan of skyping you day and night is ruined.You know that all I want now is really just attention whole day? Just 1-2 days do this with me..... But everytime we can, you busy with assignment, or the most coincidental moment of holiday which you have to go out with your friends. I'm laughing right now. Because everything goes shit.I really feel like going nowhere right now. Darl.... you know i'm still not happy with you going out with 5 guys right? Why did you just accept so quickly before planning ahead ...?  And consider about my feelings....I really am disappointed with you right now. What ever decision I gave you, you always give me the opposite answer. How amusing. Bye darl. For I'm leaving my city.

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