Monday 11 April 2016

11th April 2016

Hello darl. Well.. Shocking news that you scored zero for you midterm... I studied very hard and I knew it that. I hate the teacher for giving you minor topics :( But I guess the lecturers decide students' fate...

I know darl going to be very busy studying for finals. Sokay, I got the reasons so I'll just let it be if we couldn't chat alot. I'm happy that everyone even your lecturer still supports you. Like how everyone believe you can do your finals well. I believe in you too, I 100% believe in you that you can pass the exam with good mark :)  I'll try not to be a burden and treat you nicely.

Sometimes, eventhough you are stressed, please don't reply me coldly. I know I did that to you before, but not that I notice I have been like that I'll try to be better. So darl, just give me little motivational words and I'll be fine. If you reply me coldly in the morning, you'll kill my day. Just say nice things with hearts, I'll be extremely happy already.

Well.. You have been clingy with me for awhile now and I truly enjoy those moments. But I guess that will have to be put aside for now until your exam.... Promise that you'll be like this again after finals, then I'll feel in peace. Sometimes I do fear the moment where you... didn't get very clingy on me until you really lost feelings.... These days you really like full of feel on me, which I'm extremely happy about. So... Please don't lose it yea?

I support you in anyway.

Love, The Darl.

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