Tuesday, 27 September 2016

27th Sep 2016. 12:59 AM

So, you finally came back from Penang trip and we skyped for the first time in weeks. Eventhough I was doing my work, I don't mind giving the time up to skype with you. Hey, happy mind makes us more motivated right?

I'm happy to see you again, and so do you. You have so many untold and forgotten stories that isn't shared to me yet. Due to exams and etc. Like how much you are closer with your friends now, without updating me little minor stuffs like you did before makes me feel distant from you. It's like... I really feel like I don't know the now you, which really disturbs me. I really wished that you can tell me small things in your days eventhough they are boring. I really want to keep up with your life, you know that? For example, I really wish that you can send me all of your snap stories, as it makes me feel special. I guess, it's very hard for you to do it right? Having the need to click my name everytime you send a story. It's already obvious from the start when I request for that, you told me to just look up your own story. This is where I always notice the difference in between us. I can admit that I'm the type to really do what ever you tell me to do that helps you to feel better or happier so that our relationship from your perspective is always good. If I'm really a heavy snapchat user and you request me to send you everything that I send, I will never say no. I'm used to make people happy by doing more work, and making people happy seems to make me even happier. You are like this as well right? Then why simple things like what I requested cannot be fulfilled? I admit that I'm the type of person who desires special attention in order to feel happy about our relationship. I know I'm special to you. But... right now, because of all the degrading of good relationship perspective from me I really need your special attention. To be honest, I really scared to ask you this. Later you say I'm spoilt and come to hate the me who is just seeking attention for love. And then you sad, and then our conversation becomes dull and haih. I already have enough workload from school, so I really don' want to deal with this.

Our first skype.... Expected nice and relaxing skype with you, but you keep singing that apple pen blah blah pineapple pen, which is rather annoying for me. But oh wells, darl is darl. I just wondered though, what if I said "I'm going to mute you if you sing again", something you always tell me when I'm annoying. Will you be sads?

I was honestly felt really excited to tell you about my day... Because telling someone about my day is really something that I rarely talk to others but like to do. I only have a few people who I talk about my days with darl. But guess what, halfway you slept. Honestly, in my point of view, telling someone story and fall asleep without notice is extremely rude. I love you okay? But still, please treat my boring story some respect. If you sleepy, tell me you are sleepy and may not be able to hear my full story. I'll rather hear that rather than wasting my voice to no one.

Well... I would rate this first skype horrible. As if I really want to erase this memory and start over again.

Love you.

P.s. from what i feel right now. I wished i hadnt skyped you today....

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